Leilani original painting by Bleed Aloha
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Leilani by Bleed Aloha
8”x10” original painting
Acrylic on Wood Canvas
Racquel Araki is a Wai’anae-based artist who is self-taught. She is a mother of six with a whimsical art style mixed with a touch of realism and influenced by nature. Follow @bleed.aloha on Instagram for more info about her.
Part of the Lei Day 4 show presented by ‘Umi Toys Hawai’i and Pioneer Saloon Kaka’ako
On Display at Pioneer Saloon Kaka’ako through June
Free local pick up on O’ahu is available. Dm @umitoyshawaii on Instagram for details.
Descriptions: Photo 1-Leilani artwork image of a female graduate draped with leis by Bleed Aloha, Photo 2 - Lei Day 4 art show flyer designed by Brady Evans